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I Love you Amy,

Well You Found this Page.. Congrads to you I guess.. This page isnt really something for the public.. but things that If I didn't say without some chance of someone Reading them I would prolly Exploed!..

Updated Tittle (01/03/2006)
The One I Loved so much I had to let go..


Ohh Where to start where to start.. . 
These are Things I wish I could tell you Amy,
Remember when you sprayed your Underoath cd with hair spray? and I took it to see if I could fix it, well I didn't actually fix it I just gave you mine and I still dont have another Underoath cd other then yours which still has hair spray on it.. and The time they were playing corn-hole at ignition and I just got close to you for no reason? well actually A stray Corn bag was heading your way and I steped in front of it which it hit me in the back rather hurt too.. but I'd do again.. And the day that Jesse asked you out. there was the night before it, when I talked to him and and reasured him that you wouldn't say no if he asked you out.. Amy there is not a Godly thing on this earth I wouldn't do for You. its been 7 months and Im still just as In-love with You, thoe it hurts alittle more now.
In Some way a part of me died when I started to like you but it was nothing I wanted to hold onto anyway.. I found Jesus again because you.. you gave me back something someone had taken away yet you take it away aswell just not in the same way.. The only thing I can really say is I Still Love You..



( 01/03/2006 ).. Well I guess I found this page..  kind of hurt..  I thought I should update it a bit..

Not really tomuch to add.. I can't say I don't still love her, but all the same I've come to grips with the fact that it will more then likely not ever happen..  I Guess it could be some what of my fault maybe if I hadn't said anything to Jesse things may have been diferent.. but I knew that wouldn't have been right for her. I would have to say this is the main reason why I havn't dated anyone.. Im still hoping for something almost two years later.. Thats life I guess. Ahhh I hate this song now, just simple of things it reminds me. 03/28/06 Ok So Im Dating Kayla?.. I should be happy right?. What the crap?.. Im still thinking about Amy. Why cant I just be a friend.. why must I want more?.. ugh... what else can I do?.